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Trish Regan: There are rules. You can go back to the trade agreement of 1974, section 301, there is a rule that enables the United States to use tariffs to try and influence the behavior of China, should it be taking, stealing our intellectual property. And that, I think in some ways, is part of what this all comes back to and it‘s a sense of trust. I hear you on the forced technology transfer and I think that some American companies perhaps have made some mistakes in terms of being willing to overlook what they might have to give up in the near term, but this an issue where the country as a whole needs to step in. And we’re seeing the United States do that, perhaps in a way that hasn‘t happened. It’s been in the background, don‘t get me wrong. I think previous administrations have identified the challenge but have really been a little unwilling to take it on so we’re living in these very different times. How do you define state capitalism?




虽然现在华为手机用户有权访问Google Play商店,仍可以下载和更新谷歌提供的应用。但是这些应用不同于操作系统,它们的更新通常由手机制造商和电信运营商负责,华为被美国列入黑名单可能会影响这些更新。华为备胎系统但这打不倒华为。华为消费者业务总裁余承东,之前就放话:
